The evening after Michaela and Tyler's wedding I packed my gear and traveled further south in Utah County to Utah Lake. The weather that day was cloudy and it had rained slightly earlier in the day so I was worried that we weren't going to get any beautiful sunset colors at the lake. As we were driving there, the clouds opened up and the sun poured through giving us beautiful golden light and colors to reflect off the clouds.
We drove down to Sandy Beach at Utah Lake and parked on the sand. I took the boys and we headed down the beach as the girls finished curling their hair from the car! We found some nice cattails and grasses to create a beautiful green background. Once the rest of the family joined us we snapped a few against the green and then moved to the water features.
Playing with the reflecting light off the water can sometimes be difficult, but when you can get it right, man is it GORGEOUS! To me, there is nothing like a good beach shoot.