Since I introduced you guys to my daily life, I figured I would give you guys some random fun facts about myself that a lot of people may not know!
10. I would never be caught dead without my tube of Carmex. I could NOT handle my lips being dry all the time. It literally would drive me NUTS!
9. Every piece of technology I own is in Military Time. Watches, computers, phones. Everything. It's hilarious everytime someone looks at my phone to see what time it is, they always have to ask me because they can't read military time. It was what they used when I lived in China, so it's what I got used to.
8. I lived in China for 6 months. I taught English over there and lived at a boarding school. I taught 4th and 5th grade, and then 1 high school class at nights. I absolutely loved living there. It was a dream and if someone handed me a ticket to go back tomorrow, I would do it in a heartbeat.
7. Baja Blast & Chocolate Chip Cookies are my all time favorite treats! (Not Together, that would be gross). Once Crumbl moved into Logan, I knew I was screwed. I am constantly making cookie dough or eating it by the spoonful from the tub. In the summertime when Baja Blast is ACTUALLY in stores, you'd better believe I buy it by the case. I currently have 8 of the 12-packs sitting in my garage to get me through the winter.
6. I live to thrift. I have a hard time paying full price for something now. I've found too many treasures at the DI, Plato's Closet and Goodwill to pay full price for something. Granted, you do have to do some digging, but trust me, it's worth it.
5. My guilty pleasure is watching The Bachelor. I always tell myself that I'll only watch the first episode "Just to see who's on this season" and then I always watch the WHOLE season. ugh. help. So, my friend Cassie and I spend every Monday night watching The Bachelor and eating some type of dessert while our husbands play video games.
4. Speaking of video games, I like to play them. I recently have gotten into a game called Heroes of the Storm, by Blizzard. (If there are any other nerds out there that play HoTS, my tag is TACOMAMA#11626) I also used to be dang good at Call of Duty/Zombies and Halo. Haven't played as much lately due to being crazy busy with sessions and school and work.
3. Speaking of WORK. I work at a greenhouse in Hyde Park. Working at a greenhouse has definitely NOT helped my plant addiction. I mean, there are worse things that I could be addicted to or buying, so I guess plants isn't the worst thing. My excuse is that I have the cleanest air in the neighborhood. As of right now, I have 80 separate houseplants and 1 massive terrarium with 7 plants inside of that. I'm telling you. I have a problem...
2. I am weirdly obsessed with Harry Potter. I started reading the first book in Kindergarten (the book was only 3 years old by that point if that dates me...). Every year since my dad and I had competitions to see who could finish the books first once they came out. I just remember we preorder the last book, so it arrived at our house about 2 weeks before the release, my mom HID the book from us, read the last 2 chapters and said, "I know what happens". SHE DIDN'T EVEN READ THE REST OF THE BOOKS!! Just the last 2 chapters of the last book. Ugh, I was so mad haha. I've read through the series many many times, watched the movies just as much and it is my absolute dream to go visit Harry Potter world.
1. My all time favorite band has got to be Def Leppard. It is just so good. My dad got me into them a while ago, and they come play concerts every summer/fall in the Salt Lake area, and guess who goes to those concerts. Every. Single. Year. Yep, my dad and I. When my husband and I got married, my dad straight up told him, that this was a Maddy/Daddy thing. So every year, it is just my dad and I that go! Its and Annual Daddy-Daughter-Def Leppard-Date.
And there you go! 10 Random Facts About Me!